Well Society AGM 2024 - a healthy turnout

Last updated : 13 August 2024 By John Wilson

Motherwell’s Well Society held a successful and well attended AGM at Fir Park on Monday evening.

The Society board spoke of the positive reset with the club's Executive board that has emerged since the failed investment bid from Erik Barmack. 

The influx of new blood to the WS board in October 2023 had sparked a major examination of the Society’s practices.  Policies were under development in the areas of Communication, Governance, Fund Raising and Membership but those were, to an extent, sidelined by the debate about the US bid.


With the end of the offer (that cost the Society’s coffers around £7k) energies are now back on track with renewed vigour.  The relationship with the Executive board is regular and positive and with the excellent appointment of Brian Caldwell as CEO everyone is pulling in the same direction.

Tom Feely delivered the financial statement that showed an income of around £200k for the year ended May 2024.  It was reported that a donation of £40k was made to the club to boost the player budget.

Feely that made a short chairman’s report in which he expressed thanks to Douglas Dickie and Jim McMahon for their service to the club.

Philip Speedie guided the meeting through the various work streams that the board had set up and there were reports from each.

It may have come as a surprise to the audience that the developments have benefited greatly from the pool of volunteers available to the board members who are leading the various streams. 

The upcoming board elections (4 vacancies) together with three co-opted members will generate a full complement of a dozen to spur the plans forward.

There are 17 candidates for the four vacancies and it is to be hoped that the wide range of expertise can be used regardless of success in the ballot.

Work is ongoing to establish a shareholder agreement that will specify the relationship with the Executive board.  It will include detail on reserved powers and triggers for referral to the wider membership.

The new WS board will have discussions about the method of filling seats on the Executive board.

Communications with members has already seen a rebranding of the Society, an emerging website (thewellsociety.uk) and greater fan interaction.

A new CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system now has details of up to 15,000 Motherwell fans and it is expected to deliver big dividends.

The Q&A session focussed primarily on finance and the need to ensure that the club is run on a self-sustainable model.  Talks seem to be going on with both local and remote contacts to test possible inward investment.

Around a hundred members were present with almost as many online and they were left with the clear impression that the Society is in good hands.

Well Society AGM 2023