The Last GLF of the Season - Out on Saturday

Last updated : 06 May 2004 By Firparkcorner

Despite the ultra-tight deadlines imposed by the ever-enjoyable SPL split, nine of the usual suspects have their views on view this time round on everything Claret and Amber in this fourty - eight page edition.

All the usual stuff is to be found, from Eddie Ferguson's Top Ten Ted and Steelman's Slant to Ricky's Rant and Geoff Baby's latest Quiz ( on grounds this time - a bit of a toughie if I do say so myself !?!?!? ). Throw in Graham's View From Behind The Goals, Mr Creighton's Onlooker and a little bit of this and that from messrs Paterson, Stewart and McCafferty and I'm sure you'll agree there's plenty on offer.

It's also that time of year again - The GLF Poll 2004 asks you for your answers to twenty pertinent 'Well - related questions - we look forward to your responses.

Due to getting in for a fiver this weekend, absolutely NO excuses will be accepted by Andy, Iain, Graham or myself between two and three o'clock for not exchanging a quid of your hard - earned for the last GLF of the season !!!!!!

Visit the GLF archive - hours of 'Well reading!