We've a couple of newbies just to defy the odds like. Everyone reckons paper fanzines are a dying breed and that may bear some truth but this issue sees debuts given to a couple of new names although only in OSB pages. Probably well known to many outwith our little circle. The suspense is building see!
Are there more surprises? Again you'll have to buy it to find out. Even more suspense.
You'll be glad to know it's suspense over expense ‘cos OSB remains at the mega inflation busting rate of £1 when all around are bumping up the cost but there's no lack in quality from the usual suspects Pompey, Geoff, Haribo Boy and Big Pie returns after a bit of a gap since his last contribution, and very welcome it is too.
And what can we say about Mystic Yir which gave me his opinion on league reconstruction 2 weeks ago only to find his suggestion has a chance of becoming reality as reported the other day. If you're as Mystic as Mr Yir, you'll know what he said so need to buy it but if you're not.... well!!??!! Oh the suspense is killing me!!!!!!
Roll on Saturday, of course if you cannae wait there's always copies available at Bandoni's at New Stevenston or North Motherwell Post Office.
Don't miss it, it's better than reading about what's going to happen in Corrie next week surely?
Up The Well