In a statement on the official website, John Boyle is quoted, ““Derek joined the Board two years ago and his increased involvement will greatly assist the club in these challenging times for Scottish football clubs”.
His financial background, first with RBS and lately as Head of Barclays Corporate in Scotland, will be directed to securing our finances. He will look “to secure additional sources of finance for the club.” Whether that means he will ensure that sufficient supplies of pies are bought for the catering outlets was not mentioned!
The statement goes on to say that he will work with Leeann Dempster and that directors now have specific responsibilities overseeing segments of the club’s activities such as communications, finance, safety & stadium and supporter relations. It might be an idea if those directors and their responsibilities are listed on the club’s website, then we might know who to address if issues have to be raised?
It is revealed that the club will record a profit for the last financial year but our new Vice Chairman is quoted, saying, “It is not always obvious to the fans but John Boyle has personally supported the club to a massive extent and continues to do so. That cannot continue forever, nor should it. Our income must exceed our costs if we are to secure the club for the future.”
The implication is that the board will try to ensure that the club is self financing. A renewed pledge to run the club as a community and family based club is there but although there is a promise that “fans come first” there is no mention of any arrangement that will ensure that the fans’ views will be heard at the top table.